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Page statistics
Content pages49
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files156
Edit statistics
Page edits since VoteWrap Wiki was set up2,965
Average edits per page1.47
User statistics
Registered users1,944
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
Bots (list of members)0
Administrators (list of members)1
Bureaucrats (list of members)1
View statistics
Views total
(Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included)
Views per edit840.67
Most viewed pages
Main Page959,241
Votewrap process flow78,143
VoteWrap Wiki:About63,473
Review wording46,114
Review Issue Options34,694
Wording vote34,587
Propose wording24,433
Vote Finalised21,177
VoteWrap Wiki:Community Portal15,199
Issue Proposal14,365